A new technology revolution is happening in the business scene and in the middle of it all, is the Blockchain Technology.
Blockchain is a network shared ledger system secured cryptographically and maintained by independent parties. It has practical applications across finance, healthcare, media, government and our particular area of interest, the real estate industry. It is a real tough nut to crack and challenge the century-old traditional process of property acquisition, listings, facilitation of payments and especially more for the cross-border transactions. And the solution to this challenge is hidden within the blockchain technology, the Smart Contracts.
Smart Contracts are programmable digitized contracts that not only define the rules and penalties around an agreement but also automatically enforce those obligations. By solving the problem of intermediary trust between parties of an agreement, and by making the contract execution automated, this gives a significant boost on the efficiency of transactions, reduction of costs, and a lot more. And this application of Smart Contracts to real estate transactions is AQWIRE's area of specialization.
Join our meetup to learn more about the blockchain and smart contract's astounding revolution capability to the real estate industry through AQWIRE.
Connect with fellow blockchain enthusiasts, developers, futurist, property developers, and brokers, to discuss with us how blockchain and smart contracts can revolutionize the Cross-border Real Estate in Asia!
Meetup discussion topics:
- Blockchain in general: How does it work and where is it used already?
- Is Blockchain a hype or an advanced technology?
- How Blockchain and smart contracts will revolutionize the way we buy properties around the world?
- Practical application of Smart Contracts in the real estate property acquisition.
ADMISSION IS FREE. Simply via Eventbrite or Facebook register to join!